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How to add tags to a space

Tags can highlight specific features of desks, parking spaces, or meeting rooms, making it easier for users to find the space that best suits their needs.

Step 1: Go to 'Desks', 'Parking spaces', or 'Meeting rooms'

  • Log in to the Ronspot admin panel.
  • Navigate to the section relevant to the space you want to edit:
    • Spaces > Desks
    • Spaces > Parking spaces
    • Spaces > Meeting rooms

Step 2: Select and edit your space

  • Find the space you want to tag in the list.
  • Click on +Add a tag in the 'Tags' column

Step 3: Create tags

To create a new tag:

  • Type the tag name into the Add tag field (e.g. ergonomic chair, hot desk, standing desk, cubicle, etc.)
  • Click the Add button


  • Tag names cannot exceed 30 characters
  • You can create up to 30 tags for office zones and an additional 30 tags for parking zones.

Step 4: Attach tags

  • Tick the checkbox next to the tag name to attach it to the selected space.
  • After selecting all the necessary tags, click Update to save your changes.

Step 5: Repeat for other spaces

If you need to tag additional spaces, repeat the steps above for each one.

By following these instructions, you can efficiently organise and categorise your spaces in Ronspot, making it easier for users to identify and book the resources that meet their specific needs.