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How to Configure the Credit System

The Ronspot credit system is a powerful tool designed to manage demand, prevent overbooking, and ensure that every employee has a fair opportunity to book a spot in the office.


Table of  Contents

  1. What Are Credits For?
  2. Set Up the Credit System
  3. Allocate Credits to Employees
    1. Allocate Credits Individually
    2. Allocate Credits in Bulk (Group Settings)


What Are Credits For?

Credits are virtual tokens that help regulate booking activities by:

  • Limiting Bookings: Restricting the number of bookings an employee can make in advance each week or month.
  • Preventing Overbooking: Ensuring no single employee monopolizes booking slots.
  • Ensuring Fair Access: Giving all employees equal chances to book spots.
  • Encouraging Booking Releases: Motivating users to cancel their bookings if they’re not coming, which allows them to get their credits back.


Set Up the Credit System

Step 1: Navigate to Zones/Maps

Step 2: Select and Edit the Zone

  • Choose the zone you want to configure by clicking on it.
  • Click on the Edit button to enter the zone settings.

Step 3: Go to the 'Credits' Tab

    • In the zone settings, click on the Credits tab.

    Step 4: Configure the Following Fields:

    • Credit System:
      • Toggle this option to "Yes" to enable the credit system.
      • If set to "No", the credit system will be disabled.
    • Booking Cost (Credits):

      • Specify the number of credits required for employees to make a booking

      • Recommended setting: 1 credit per booking.

    • Credit Required On:
      • Select the days of the week when booking a spot in this zone will require a credit.
        • To select a day: Click on the letter representing the day (e.g., M for Monday). The background will turn green when selected.
        • To deselect a day: Click on the letter again, and the background will turn white.
    • Next-day booking — No credit required after:
      • Choose the time after which employees can make next-day bookings without using credits. This encourages last-minute bookings to maximize occupancy.
    • Credit Refund — Cancel Before:
      • Determine the time frame within which employees must cancel their booking to receive a credit refund.
        • Full Refund: Set a time (e.g., 32 hours before the end of the booking day) to allow a full credit refund.
        • Half Refund: Set a shorter time (e.g., 12 hours before the end of the booking day) for a half-credit refund.
      • Conversion table:
        6 hrs 18:00
        12 hrs 12:00
        18 hrs 06:00
        24hrs 00:00 (Day-1)
        30hrs 18:00 (Day-1)
    • Prevent Credit Accumulation:

      • Enable this option to ensure that employees only receive a credit refund if they cancel their booking within the same cycle (week or month) the booking was made.
      • We recommend enabling this option to prevent users from storing unused credits
    • Click on the Update button to save your configurations.


    Allocate Credits to Employees

    Method 1: Allocate Credits Individually

    1. Access the Employee Settings:

      • In the sidebar menu, click on Employees.
    2. Expand the Credit Columns:

      • In the employee table header, locate the cell labeled Credit ... >.
      • Click on the > symbol to expand the view, revealing two additional columns.
    3. Set Credit Allocations:

      • Credit Balance: Enter the number of credits the employee currently has in their account.
      • Credit Refill: Specify the number of credits the employee will automatically receive at the start of each month or week.
      • Credit Refill Cycle: Select the frequency at which the employee will receive credits: Monthly (first of every month) or Weekly (every Monday).
    4. Save the Changes: Click outside the cell to save your changes.

    Method 2: Allocate Credits in Bulk (Group Settings)

    1. Access 'Group Settings':

      • In the sidebar menu, click on Group Settings.
    2. Edit or Create a Group:

      • Click on the pencil icon to edit an existing group or create a new one.
    3. Set Group Credit Allocations:

      • Credit Refill: Enter the number of credits that members of this group will automatically receive each month or week.
      • Credit Refill Cycle: Choose the frequency at which the group's credits will reset:
        • Monthly (default): Credits reset on the 1st of every month.
        • Weekly: Credits reset every Sunday.
      • Default Credit Balance: Specify the number of credits group members will receive when they join the group.
    4. Click on the Save button to save your group configuration.

    Tip: If you're unsure how many credits to allocate, use the Credit Calculator available from Zones/Maps > Edit > Credits > Calculate how many credits to give to employees.

    By following these steps, you can efficiently manage booking demand within your organization, prevent overbooking, and ensure that all employees have fair access to office space. The credit system not only helps regulate bookings but also encourages responsible use of office resources.