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How to Connect iPevia to Ronspot

This guide provides step-by-step instructions for integrating iPevia, an access control system by Castel, with Ronspot.


Step 1: Log in to iPevia Manager

  1. Open your web browser and log in to your iPevia Manager account.

Step 2: Navigate to Software Operators > Special Users

  1. In the navigation sidebar, go to Software Operators.
  2. Click on Special Users on the left side of the screen.

Step 3: Add a New API User

  1. Click on Add New User.

  2. Fill in the following fields:

    • Login: Create a username for the API (e.g., "Ronspot").
    • Password: Create a secure password for the API.
    • Type: Choose API from the dropdown menu.
    • Site: Select the site you want to manage with Ronspot.
  3. Configure the credentials:

    • Credential: Choose Other (hex).
    • Type (Name): Select pt:CUSTOM.
    • FormatType list: Choose WIEGAND37.
    • CredentialIdentifier: Hexadecimal.
    • Click Save to create the API user.


    If the Other (Hex) option is not visible:

    • Go to the iPevia Manager homepage
    • Select Site Wizard.
    • Under the 1. Site section, click on Enable/Disable Credential Types (prox, fingerprint, etc.).
    • Then check the Other (Hex) option.

    Step 4: Log in to Ronspot Admin Panel

    Step 5: Navigate to Advanced Settings > Integrations

    1. In the admin panel, go to Advanced Settings.
    2. Select Integrations from the dropdown menu.

    Step 6: Add a New iPevia Integration

    1. Click on the Add Integration button at the top of the screen.
    2. In the pop-up window, select iPevia.


    Step 7: Configure the iPevia Integration

    1. Fill in the following fields:
      • Name: Choose a name for the integration (e.g., "iPevia Ronspot").
      • Username: Enter the same username you created in Step 3.
      • Password: Enter the same password you created in Step 3.
      • Status: Set the status to Active.
    2. Click Save.


    Step 8: Set Up the Camera Integration

    1. In the list of integrations, locate the new iPevia integration.
    2. Click on the camera icon in the Actions column.


    Step 9: Add an Association

    1. Click on the Add Association button at the top of the page.
    2. Create a new association:
      • Select your Ronspot Zone.
      • Select the site configured on iPevia Manager.
    3. Click Complete to save the association.


    Repeat this step to create additional associations if necessary.

    Step 10: Modify Your Zone in Ronspot

    1. Navigate to the Zones / Maps tab in the Ronspot admin panel.
    2. Select the zone you wish to modify, and click Edit.

    Step 11: Enable the Card Access Required Option

    1. Go to the Advanced tab under the zone’s editing parameters.
    2. Enable the Card Access Required option.

    Step 12: Add Card Numbers for Employees

    1. Navigate to the Employees tab in the Ronspot admin panel.
    2. A new column labeled Access Card Numbers will be visible.
    3. Enter a card number for each employee.

    Step 13: Make a Booking on Ronspot

    • On the Ronspot employee app, make a booking for the current day.

    Step 14: Verify Logs in iPevia Manager

    1. Log back into the iPevia Manager.
    2. Go to the Tools tab in the navigation sidebar.
    3. Click on the Log sub-tab.
    4. In the second column from the left (user name), verify that all actions performed by Ronspot are logged. The name you chose in Step 3 will appear here.


    Following these steps, your iPevia system should now be successfully integrated with Ronspot. This integration allows seamless control over site access and management, ensuring a smooth user experience for your employees