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How to Create Admin Alerts

Admin email alerts in Ronspot are an essential tool for keeping administrators informed about key activities and potential issues within the system.

Table of Contents

  1. Create an Admin Email Alert
  2. Customize the Admin Alert Template
  3. Default Admin Alert Templates


Creating an Admin Email Alert

Step 1: Navigate to Admin Alerts

  1. Log in to the Ronspot admin panel.
  2. In the sidebar menu on the left, click on Advanced Settings.
  3. Under Advanced Settings, select Admin Alerts.

Step 2: Add a New Alert

  1. Click on the Add Alert button to create a new admin alert.

Step 3: Configure the Alert

  1. Zone: Select the name of the zone for which you want to send the alert.

  2. Alert Type: Choose the category of alert you want to send. The available options are:

    • Parking Violations
    • Booking and Cancellations
    • Visitor Bookings
    • Past Booking Reports
    • Meetings
  3. Alert Template: Select the appropriate template that corresponds to the type of alert you're configuring. Templates determine the format and content structure of the email.

  4. Email Subject: Enter the subject line of the email. This will be the title that appears in the recipients’ inbox.

  5. Email Content: To customize the content of the alert email, see the instructions in the section below titled "Customize the Alert".

  6. Contact Email: Enter the email addresses of the recipients who should receive this alert. You can enter up to 4 email addresses.

Step 4: Save the Alert

  1. After configuring all the settings, click on the ADD button to save the alert. The alert will now be active and will send emails according to the settings you’ve specified.


Customize the Admin Alert Template

To further tailor the content of your admin email alerts, you can customize the email templates used. Follow these steps to personalize the email content:

Step 1: Access the Emails & Notifications Section

  1. In the admin panel, click on Advanced Settings in the sidebar menu.
  2. Under Advanced Settings, select Emails & Notifications.

Step 2: Add a New Template

  1. Click on the Add New Template button to create a custom template that can overwrite the default email alerts.

Step 3: Select the Template Name

  1. Email/Notification : Select Email
  2. Category: Choose a template name that starts with 'Admin Alert'.
    • Each template name corresponds to a specific type of email or notification that Ronspot sends out (see the list of default templates below).

Step 4: Customize the Email Content

  1. Edit the Subject/Title field to set the desired subject line for your alert email.
  2. Modify the Content/Body field to adjust the message body.
    Use this section to include any specific information or instructions that should be part of the alert.

Step 5: Save the Template

  1. Once your customizations are complete, click on the Create button to save the new template. This template will now be used for the selected alert type.


Default Admin Alert Templates

Here are the default email templates available for admin alerts:

User Type > Email

Template Subject/Title Content/Body
Admin Alert | List of next-day bookings Next Day Bookings Dear Admin,

Booking for next day list file is attached with email, find below attachment

Admin Alert | List of today’s guest bookings Guest List Dear Admin,

The list above is the list of registered guests for today as of #TodaysDate#

Thanks & regards,
Ronspot Team

Admin Alert | New employee registered and activated Employee registered and activated Dear Admin,
User #NewUserFullname# (#UserEmailAddress#) has registered and is now active.
Ronspot Team
Admin Alert | New employee registration New Ronspot User Dear Admin,
A new user #UserFullname# has registered on Ronspot and needs to be made active.
Ronspot Support
Admin Alert | No guest bookings for today Guest List Dear Admin,
There are no guests registered for today as of #TodaysDate#
Thanks & regards,
Ronspot Team

Zone > Email

Template Subject/Title Content/Body
Admin Alert | A new booking was made New Spot Booked #UserFirstName# has booked spot #spotnumber# in zone #ZoneName# for #BookingDate#
Admin Alert | A space was released Spot Released #UserFirstName# has released spot #spotnumber# in zone #ZoneName# for #BookingDate#
Admin Alert | Meeting has ended Meeting Ended Dear Admin,

The meeting #MeetingTitle# in #MeetingRoomName# ended at #EndTime# and may require attention.

Thanks & regards,
Ronspot Team

Admin Alert | Registered vehicle reported & spot available Parking Violation Reported #ReporterFullName# has reported vehicle #ViolatorPlateNumber# registered to #ViolatorFullName# as being incorrectly parked in parking bay number #ViolatedParkingBayNumber#  on #ViolationDate#. Ronspot has redirected #ReporterFullName#  to park #AlternateParkingBayNumber#.
Admin Alert | Registered vehicle & spot unavailable Parking Violation Reported #ReporterFullName# has reported vehicle #ViolatorPlateNumber# registered to #ViolatorFullName# as being incorrectly parked in parking bay number #ViolatedParkingBayNumber# on #ViolationDate#.
Admin Alert | Unknown vehicle reported & spot available Parking Violation Reported #ReporterFullName# has reported vehicle #ViolatorPlateNumber# registered to an unknown person as being incorrectly parked in parking bay number #ViolatedParkingBayNumber# on #ViolationDate#. Ronspot has redirected #ReporterFullName# to park #AlternateParkingBayNumber#.
Admin Alert | Unknown vehicle reported & spot unavailable Parking Violation Reported #ReporterFullName# has reported vehicle #ViolatorPlateNumber# registered to an unknown person as being incorrectly parked in parking bay number #ViolatedParkingBayNumber# on #ViolationDate#.


By following these steps, you can effectively set up and customize admin email alerts in Ronspot, ensuring that the right people are informed at the right time.