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How to Create Office Closures and Public Holidays

Blocking specific days for office closures and public holidays is essential to ensure that employees are informed and unable to book on days when the office is closed.

Step 1: Navigate to 'Office Closures'

  1. Log in to the Ronspot admin panel.
  2. In the sidebar menu on the left, click on Advanced Settings.
  3. Under Advanced Settings, select Office Closures.

Step 2: Add a New Office Closure

  1. Click on the Add Closure button to create a new office closure.

Step 3: Fill in the Office Closure Details

  1. Title: Enter the name or reason for the closure.

    • This title will help you identify the closure and its purpose.
  2. Description: Provide a short description explaining why the office will be closed on these days.

    • This is for internal use only and will not be visible to users.
  3. Multi-days

    • Select Yes if the office closure will last for more than one day.
    • Select No if the closure is for a single day.
  4. Start Date: Choose the first day of the office closure.

  5. End Date (if Multi-days is selected): Choose the last day of the office closure.

  6. Repeat

    • Select No unless you want the closure to be recurring.
    • If the closure needs to repeat (e.g., every week), select the appropriate recurrence option.
  7. Zone: Select the zones to which you want this closure to apply.

  8. Status: Choose Active to prevent bookings on the selected dates. Once the status is set to Active, the closure will take effect immediately.

  9. Click on the Add button

Tip: If you need to block weekends, follow these steps:

  • Set Start Date to a Saturday, choose End Date: No, and set Repeat to Weekly.
  • Create another closure for Sundays, following the same steps.


Note: If bookings already exist for the date before creating the closure, they will not be automatically canceled. This is why it's recommended to create office closures well in advance to avoid any conflicts.

By following these steps, you can efficiently manage office closures in Ronspot, ensuring that employees are aware of and cannot book on days when the office is unavailable.