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How to Create Questions and Surveys for Employees

Ronspot allows administrators to gather valuable feedback and confirmations from employees by adding questions or surveys before or after a booking is made.

Table of Contents

  1. Post-Booking Questions

  2. Pre-Booking Question (Checkbox)


Post-Booking Questions

Post-booking questions appear in a popup immediately after the user completes their booking. A maximum of 5 post-booking per zone are supported. These questions can be used to gather feedback or additional information from users (e.g. food preferences for catering).

Step 1: Access Post-Booking Questions

  1. Log in to the Ronspot admin panel.
  2. In the sidebar menu, click on Advanced Settings.
  3. Under Advanced Settings, select Post Booking Questions.

Step 2: Add a New Question

  1. Click on the Add New Question button to create a new post-booking question.

Step 3: Configure the Question

  1. Topic: Enter a topic for internal use. This will help you identify the question later but will not be visible to users.

  2. Question: Type the question you want to ask users after they complete their booking.

  3. Answer Question: Decide if the question is required or optional:

    • Required: Users must answer the question to proceed.
    • Optional: Users can skip the question if they choose.
  4. Answer Type: Select the type of answer you expect from users:

    • Dropdown: Users can select one answer from a list of options.
    • Text Box: Users can type a freeform answer.
    • Yes/No: Users choose either "Yes" or "No".
    • Tick Box: Users can tick one or more boxes.
  5. Answer Options (for Dropdown, Yes/No and Tick Box):

    • Enter the different answers available.
    • Click on +Add another option to add more answer choices.
  6. Zone: Select the zones where you want this question to be displayed. Zones could represent different areas or groups within your organization.

  7. Status: Choose Active to make the question visible to users.

Step 4: Save the Question

  1. After configuring all the settings, click on the Create button to save the question.
  2. Repeat the process to add more questions.


  • You can add up to 5 post-booking questions per zone.
  • Use the drag-and-drop feature to change the order of the questions.


Pre-Booking Questions (Checkbox)

Pre-booking questions are presented as a checkbox that users must tick before completing their booking. Only one pre-booking question can be added per zone.This is particularly useful for getting users to accept terms or conditions before proceeding.

Step 1: Access Pre-Booking Questions

  1. Log in to the Ronspot admin panel.
  2. In the sidebar menu, click on Advanced Settings.
  3. Under Advanced Settings, select Pre-Booking Questions.

Step 2: Add a New Message

  1. On the Pre-Booking Questions page, click on the Add New Message button to create a new pre-booking message.

Step 3: Configure the Message

  1. Zone: Select the zone where you want this message to appear. This could be specific areas like parking zones or meeting rooms.

  2. Title: Enter a title for internal use only. This will not be visible to users but will help you identify the message later.

  3. Content: Type the message that will appear next to the checkbox. For example, "I accept the booking terms."

  4. Status: Select Active to make the message visible to users.

Step 4: Save the Message

Once configured, click on the Create button to save the message.


  • You can only add one pre-booking question per zone.
  • If you need to ask multiple questions, consider using post-booking questions instead.


By following these steps, you can create and customize both pre-booking and post-booking questions in Ronspot, allowing you to collect necessary information, confirmations, and feedback from your employees in an efficient and organized manner.