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How to configure booking reminders 

Ronspot provides a flexible system for managing booking reminders to ensure smooth operations.

Step 1: Navigate to 'Zones and maps'

Step 2: Edit a zone

  • Choose the zone you want to configure by clicking on it.
  • Click on the zone name or the pencil icon to enter the zone settings.

Step 3: Go to the 'Reminders' tab

    • In the zone settings, click on the Reminders tab.

    Step 4: Configure the reminders


    Ronspot supports different types of bookings, each with its own reminder settings displayed in a separate column. There are three booking types you need to be aware of:

    • Hourly bookings: This corresponds to spaces with Booking period:Hourly
    • All-day bookings: This corresponds to spaces with Booking period:All day
    • Scheduled bookings: This corresponds to the spaces configured in Scheduler

    You can configure reminders for each booking type as follows:

    • Send reminders

      • Choose how reminders should be sent: By email, By notification, By email and notification, or No
    • Reminder frequency

      • Hourly bookings: Reminders can be sent on the Same day as the booking or 1 day before the booking.
      • All-day bookings: Reminders are sent 1 day before the booking.
      • Scheduled bookings: Reminders can be sent 1 day before the booking or once a week (e.g. Each Friday).
    • Reminder time

      • Set the time of day when the reminder will be sent.
      • For hourly bookings, the time is automatically calculated based on the booking start time (options include 3hrs, 2hrs, 1hr, or 30min before the start time).

    Step 5: Configure the auto-cancellation (optional)


    • Confirmation required in reminder
      • Yes: Enabling this option adds clickable Yes - Required and No - Release buttons to booking reminders. If a user does not confirm their booking, it will be automatically cancelled.
      • No: No confirmation is needed, and bookings will remain unchanged.
    • Confirmation required within:
      • Set the timeframe for users to confirm their booking after receiving the reminder. Unconfirmed bookings will be automatically released once this period expires.


    For more information about auto-release, please read this article.

    Step 6: Configure the end reminders (hourly bookings only)

    screenshot-reminders9For hourly bookings, you can set up an additional reminder when the booking is nearing its end.

    • Booking end reminder

      • Enable this option to send a reminder as the booking is about to end.
    • Booking end reminder time

      • Set the reminder time relative to the booking end time (options include 5, 10, 15, 20, or 30 minutes before the booking ends).

    Step 7: Save your settings

    • Once you've configured all the desired settings, don't forget to click on the Update button to save your changes.

    To customise the content of the reminders, please read these articles: 

    By following these steps, you can ensure that your employees are adequately reminded of their bookings, helping to optimise resource usage within your organisation.